Scholars have conventionally debated whether neoliberal globalization has resulted in the breakdown of corporatism or its resilience. Beyond this dichotomy, this paper uncovers "consultation without representation" as a new path paved by the conservative governments in Japan and South Korea (hereafter, Korea): Japan's Abe Shinzo cabinet and Korea's Park Geun-hye administration attempted to continue utilizing the format of tripartite consultation in the process of neoliberal reforms without allowing organized labor to represent its interests. This paper argues that the consultation-without- representation path originated from the deliberate strategy that conservative governments used to capitalize on labor-inclusionary tripartite institutions against labor. The governments have kept the tripartite institutions, including Japan's shingikai and Korea's Tripartite Commission, intact to avoid a legislative gridlock that an apparent offensive against corporatism may cause and, furthermore, not to compromise their efforts in moving toward a new moral hegemony over industrial society. However, they have made use of these institutions as a way to weaken the corporatist power of organized labor. Specific patterns of consultation without representation differ between Japan and Korea because the conservative governments developed specialized strategies for utilizing the tripartite institutions on the basis of unique political resources for labor movements in each country. In Japan, the Abe cabinet made use of Rengo's orientation toward policy partnership to confine labor unrest to an institutional boundary. Shingikai functioned as a container that prevented the grievances of Rengo from turning into a society-wide dissidence. Meanwhile, Korea's Park government utilized the radical ideology of labor movements to disqualify them as negotiation partners. The Tripartite Commission was used as a blockade to hinder militant labor movements from influencing the policy-making process. This paper examines the processes of the Worker Dispatch Law revisions in Japan and in Korea to corroborate the argument. This analysis indicates that the conservative rulers have found a new utility of corporatism for neoliberal reforms.
Regular Issue
第 23 卷・第 1 期
發行於 六月, 2019
本文對於世代的劃分是著眼於在不同的經濟發展階段成年的民眾,運用薪資公平正義認知的經驗性資料來檢視世代之間對分配正義的認知。方法上本文運用交叉分類隨機效果模型(cross-classified random effects model),來緩解因年齡與世代兩者高度共線關係所導致估計值失真的問題。研究發現薪資公平正義認知不但具有世代之間的差異,同時在年齡群組上也呈現出明顯的不同。其次,個人層次解釋變數的效果上,男性、有婚姻關係、高教育年限、自認為是上層社會階級、以及大陸各省市族群對自身薪資公平正義認知較高。這些傳統上屬於社會優勢族群在資源與機會的取得上具有優勢,產生的結果就直接反應在對自身薪資收入的感受。另外,薪資公平正義認知不同年齡層之間呈現出生命週期效果。20-29歲年齡層的民眾是「薪情」最不美麗的一群,30歲以後民眾才漸漸地滿意自己的薪資。相對的,不同經濟世代間的薪資公平認知呈現出兩極的發展。這樣一個世代正義的樣態有可能民眾對經濟全球化下,產業結構轉變造成薪資結構變化的反應。