political science

The Discipline of Political Science and Theories of Migration

The construction of theories about migration has long been the goal of scholars from the disciplines of economics, demography, and sociology. Theories aimed at explaining ‘why the phenomena of international migration occur,’ ‘why individuals make the choice of migrating,’ and ‘why the flows of migration fluctuate the way they do’ have tremendously improved our understanding of migration. The political and policy aspects of international migration, however, had largely been neglected until political scientists turned their attention to migration studies more recently.

Academic Performance in Journal Article Publication: A Study of Nine Political Science Institutions in Taiwan, 1995-2001

This study, sponsored by the Social Science Research Center of the National Science Council, evaluates academic performance in terms of journal article publication of seven political science departments and two institutes of Academia Sinica during the period from 1995 to 2001. We find that, by total amount of publication, the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University ranks at the very top and thus exerts substantial scholarly influence to the entire discipline.

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