local knowledge

Predicaments and Opportunities for Industrial Waste Governance: The Case of Agricultural Land Pollution in Qishan District

Government agencies often face the problem of clarifying causal relationships and regulatory applications in industrial waste disputes. This article uses the case of slag waste pollution on Qishan farmland in Kaohsiung City to explore the dynamic interaction process of power and scientific knowledge production among various levels of government agencies and related organizations. This article adopts the new political sociology of science (NPSS) framework to examine how scientific knowledge, rules and power interact with each other.

Technology, Democracy and Citizenship: The Case of Incinerator Ash Facility Siting in Ankeng

The concept of citizenship has become an increasingly important theme in technological and environmental debates. This paper introduces the theory of technological citizenship, examines the practice of citizenship in the context of the incinerator ash facility siting controversy in Ankeng, and highlights the current problems of environmental governance. The case shows the politics of experts and hegemony of scientific rationality, and the problem of constraints on the practice of citizenship.

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